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What is Reconciliation?

Outlining what we mean by reconciliation, how it works, and what it means for you!

Isobel Hirst avatar
Written by Isobel Hirst
Updated over a week ago

The Problem

Our Ecommerce Source-of-truth Reconciliation addresses a major problem faced by D2C brands today.

Many brands rely on Google Analytics as their source of truth for attribution, but in a post-GPDR and privacy-first landscape, GA conversions are impacted by Cookie Consent banners.

This means that the conversion amount GA reports is normally 10-30% lower than actual web sales in eCommerce platforms:

This leads to...

  • Inaccurate Performance Evaluation: Incomplete insights hinder brands from accurately assessing campaign success, potentially leading to ineffective strategies and missed growth opportunities.

  • Inefficient Resource Allocation: Misalignment between GA conversions and actual sales can result in misallocated marketing budgets.

  • Lack of Source of Truth: Without a reliable data source, brands struggle to evaluate ROI and benchmark performance against industry standards or internal goals.

What is Reconciliation?

Reconciliation is the process of matching eCommerce platform data with GA, and then attributing any valid sales (i.e. web purchases) from eCommerce that cannot be matched to GA across your marketing mix, to provide an accurate, unified view of your conversions.

How does it work?

There are 3 key steps to the reconciliation process:

1. Unmatched rows between the eCommerce platform (only web sales channel for Shopify) and GA are placed in a reconciliation table ready for redistribution.

2. We work out how to redistribute this data based on the proportion of conversions against channel, source, and paid campaign within GA for the last 7 days.

3. These %s are utilized as coefficients (or weightings) to redistribute the reconciliation data to the relevant marketing channels.

Who is Reconciliation Available For?

It is available for any brands who have connected their eCommerce platform in Fospha (currently available for Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, and via a daily .csv feed in custom ecommerce connectors)

What Data Does it Need?

  • Data from Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, or custom eCommerce platform via a daily .csv feed

  • Google Analytics (with eCommerce module configured, and transaction/order IDs that can be matched with your eCommerce platform)

What Does it Mean for My Brand?

New vs Repeat Customers

Firstly, reconciliation is what allows us to provide a split between new and repeat customers, i.e., the ability to calculate CAC (total spend / new conversions) and % New Conversions (proportion of conversions which are from new customers).

Brands are unable to differentiate new and repeat customers using Ad Platforms and Google Analytics alone.

A Holistic View

  • Reconciliation provides a complete outlook of your conversion performance.

  • Without this process, brands are only able to observe matched transactions, limiting their ability to understand the full picture.

  • By ensuring accuracy in data reporting, Fospha empowers you to unlock valuable insights and make informed decisions to drive growth and success!

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