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Onboarding & Setup FAQs

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Isobel Hirst avatar
Written by Isobel Hirst
Updated over a week ago


I'd like to sign up for Fospha - what information do I need to provide?

Awesome - we're so happy to hear that! Please fill out the Onboarding Questionnaire here, and send it through to to get started!

How to exclude payment gateway referral in Google Analytics?

There is a common scenario that results in Google Analytics incorrectly attributing credit payment to providers such as Klarna. This pollutes your channel level reporting, with less credit attributed to the true last non direct click marketing channels.

Google Analytics starts a new session whenever a new customer comes to the site from a new traffic source (determined by UTM parameters or referrer hostnames).

When the website sends the customer to a payment gateway, the customer is directed back to the website after successful payment completion. The HTTP header records the customer coming to the website from the payment gateway, recording a new visit with a Medium=Referrer and Source=Payment Gateway, and attributing credit for the transaction to these traffic sources.

Use Google Analytics' Referral Exclusions Feature to exclude payment gateway referral:

The Referral Exclusions feature in Universal Analytics makes it easy to resolve this issue for all data captured going forward.

You can do this by following simple steps listed below:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Tracking Info > Referral Exclusion List Within the Google Analytics

2. Click on Add Referral Exclusion

3. Add host name which will be either domain or subdomain to the list

4. Click Create

5. Repeat for any additional payment gateways

❗ Please note that it is not possible to backdate this fix, therefore the sooner it is implemented the better!

We have lots of data points in GA that should be excluded from attribution, do you take this into account?

We only ingest data from the GA view you provide to us during onboarding, which is your source of truth view (e.g. maybe you have a GA view that is filtered specifically for marketing). We report on all transactions, revenue and visit data from the view that you provide to us, so make sure you give us the correct one!

Custom filtering of visit data within a GA view is not currently supported in Fospha, however we are able to filter out transactions that are recorded in GA with our order exclusions feature for our customers who have their ecommerce platform connected - please get in touch with us via the chat window if you would like to set this up!

If you have an example of why you might want to be able to filter out visit data from GA in Fospha, then please submit our New Feature Request form, and we will take it into consideration in line with our future product roadmap

Do we need to change our UTM structure when we onboard to Fospha?

Not necessarily, but you do need to ensure you're using clean and consistent UTMs across your activity. This is important because Google Analytics identifies your activity using UTMs, which then form the basis of the information we present in Fospha. We also use your UTMs across paid channels to match visit data in GA back to the data from the ad platforms, which is imperative for our modelling.

You can find our recommended UTM structure here, which applies a standard marketing hierarchy to the structure of your UTMs, and is what we recommend you follow to get the most out of Fospha!

What is your UTM best practice for organic channels (e.g. Organic Social)?

As we don’t need to use the UTMs on your organic activity to match to data from the ad platforms, we don't need to be quite as prescriptive with our recommendations, so just make sure you're using a structure that works for the way your business thinks about and measures organic activity.

Our best practice across all UTMs is to follow a clean and consistent utm structure that works for your business, making sure you follow the marketing heirarchy to ensure activity is properly tracked and presented in both GA and Fospha. Please see an example of a paid and organic social UTM below, showing the standard marketing to UTM hierarchy that we use:

Marketing Level


Paid Example

Organic Example













Ad Set / Ad Group



Ad / Keyword



Are we able to use a custom channel grouping in Fospha?

We don’t currently support the ability to create your own custom channel groupings in Fospha, but we already do a lot of the hard work for you, based on what we know works from our years of working with DTC brands! Our Fospha channel groupings are based on a combination the Google channel classifications and UTM parameters - so it is good practice that your UTMs are up to scratch (check out our guide here!).

We use your campaign names to identify the type of paid activity you are doing, i.e:

- Whether it is brand or generic activity for PPC or Paid Shopping

- What Market the activity is for

- What the strategy and objective of the activity is

So please ensure to have shared your naming conventions with us during the onboarding process, and please make sure you stick to them!

How do we set up and track content campaigns in Fospha?

To track any specific campaign in Fospha, you need to ensure that your UTM parameters are structured efficiently. Read our handy guide to make sure you have excellent UTM governance here

Do you connect with our CRM platforms for attribution, like Ometria and Klaviyo for emails and Attentive for text messages?

Fospha Attribution will include attribution to email and sms wherever you have correctly coded your UTM partameters on landing URLs from this activity. Don’t forget you can use our handy UTM guide, found here!

If you would like your email and SMS platforms to be connected with Fospha so that you can see things like cost in your Fospha dashboards, please fill in our New Feature Request form!

One of my channels is showing in dashboards as the wrong channel, how can I fix this?

If one of your channels is not being presented in Fospha as you would expect, then please open a support ticket using the 'Report an Issue' button in the chat window, and we will investigate as soon as possible!

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Are we able to use a custom channel grouping in Fospha?

We don’t currently support the ability to create your own custom channel groupings in Fospha, but we already do a lot of the hard work for you, based on what we know works from our years of working with DTC brands! Our Fospha channel groupings are based on a combination the Google channel classifications and UTM parameters - so it is good practice that your UTMs are up to scratch (check out our guide here!).

We use your campaign names to identify the type of paid activity you are doing, i.e:

  • Whether it is brand or generic activity for PPC or Paid Shopping

  • What Market the activity is for

  • What the strategy and objective of the activity is

So please ensure to have shared your naming conventions with us during the onboarding process, and please make sure you stick to them!

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How do we set up and track content campaigns in Fospha?

To track any specific campaign in Fospha, you need to ensure that your UTM parameters are structured efficiently. Read our handy guide to make sure you have excellent UTM governance.

What are the recommended campaign naming conventions we need to use to be able to work with Fospha?

We use your campaign names to identify a number of things we need to know to effectively model your activity, across:

- What markets you operate in

- What the strategy of the activity is

- What the objective of the activity is

- Whether something is brand or generic

For this reason, you need to make sure you have a clean and consistent naming convention for your campaign names across all media. Our rules are fairly extensive after our many years of working with a wide range of clients who have different rules, but our recommended naming convention are found linked here, beneath the headline "Campaign Naming Conventions".

How can we set up creative UTMs within Fospha?

You can use our UTM guide to see our recommended UTMs for each platform down to utm_term level, which we recommend as ad level. We don’t currently surface Fospha Attribution at Ad Set, Ad, or Creative level, however we are working on this and expect it to be available later this year.

Are Fospha able to integrate with Outbrain and Taboola?

We don't currently have integrations available for Outbrain or Taboola, but we do have these on our backlog.

When are you expecting to integrate with Sentra? (eCommerce platform)

There is currently no defined timeline for Sentra integration, but our Product team are aware of this request and it is being logged as part of our Product Roadmap.

If I have a GA account and multiple markets, will these all pull through into one view in Fospha Analytics?

Yes, once we get access to all GA accounts, we pull all Markets into 1 view. You are able to segment by Market in Fospha Analytics, so you will be able to apply this filter within your dashboards. Click here to find out how Fospha measure performance by market.

How does Fospha pull cost and impression from a 3rd party affiliate platform?

We use an affiliate platform API to do this .The AWIN connector integrates Ad Platform metrics into dashboards. To integrate your data with us, you must provide Fospha access to AWIN and provide credential details. Affiliates are only modelled for clicks using our Ensemble model.

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