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Why is Fospha Important?

An explainer on why Fospha is great, in simple language for all to understand - not just marketers!

Isobel Hirst avatar
Written by Isobel Hirst
Updated over a week ago

The Problem

Firstly, we need to think about the problem we're solving here at Fospha.

Our mission is to empower digital brands to spend with confidence, acquiring and retaining customers sustainably.

Which is pretty difficult to do, when:

  • Each ad platform has a different attribution model

  • Each ad platform claims credit for the same sales

  • ...and welcome privacy updates mean that customer journeys are more fragmented than ever

You end up with messy data coming from multiple sources, which can add up to as much as 3x of reality in our experience!

This is where the need for an independent an un-biased attribution partner comes in - Fospha!

How Ad Platforms Attribute

10 years ago, measurement was simple. Google Analytics had many of the answers, and the ad platforms covered the rest.

Now, every ad platform employs a different attribution model - and they usually don't reveal how their model actually works.

Google Analytics attributes using a Last Touch model, which assigns 100% of the credit for the conversion to the touchpoint that directly led to the customer taking action.

Last Touch operates under the assumption that this final interaction is the most influential in driving their decision to make a purchase. But, we know this isn't the case. In reality, this leaves us with a far more limited view of the customer journey:

If you’re going to succeed, you need to move up the funnel and focus on the entire customer journey.

The trouble is - ad platforms and Google Analytics no longer show you what is happening using pixel-based measurement. In fact, 60% of revenue is misattributed when relying on pixels alone.

Upper funnel channels, i.e., those focused on generating awareness and consideration, are too low. Meanwhile, bottom funnel channels, i.e., those focused on conversion, are artificially high:

In reality, upper funnel activity is what is driving your sales across Direct, Natural Search and Brand PPC - which is where Fospha come in!

How Fospha Attributes

Fospha starts where other platforms end.

Our multi-stage algorithm combines the best of Marketing Mix Modelling and Multi Touch Attribution, attributing daily value to both observable (clicks) and non-observable (impression) consumer interactions.

How the Science Works

There are 2 main components:

1. Click Attribution

We start by analyzing the effectiveness of your marketing mix based on the click and visit data we collect.

We utilize what's called an Ensemble Model, which uses a foundation of Google path and position based modelling from GA4, and combines the attribution output from these models with multiple Fospha machine-learning models to give you a more accurate view of the impact of click-based paid media throughout the funnel.

Think of the Ensemble model (which uses 4 models) like taking 'wisdom from the crowds' - you're consolidating opinions from many experts before taking a decision rather than one. This is the attribution output for all your click-based channels, and forms the input for the impressions model for Paid Social, Display, Discovery, and Youtube.

2. Impression Attribution

From the click-based outputs we receive, we layer on the impressions measurement.

We then establish the relationship between your organic channels, and your impressions and cost across Paid Social, Display, Discovery, and YouTube. This is achieved through multiple machine learning models.

Where a relationship is found, the model redistributes organic conversions that were influenced by activity that happened higher up the funnel, back to the activity that was the driver of the original visit.

To learn more about Fospha Attribution Modelling and our Methodology, click here.

How it Comes Together In Your Dashboards

Your dashboards bring all of this information to one place and make reporting easier.

You are able to take control of performance by understanding where you need to make changes to make cross-channel investment decisions with confidence.

So, what makes Fospha Attribution Important?

In a post-GDPR and iOS 14 landscape, most e-commerce brands are relying on a broken pixel-based measurement system, which makes it incredibly difficult to make the right decisions. Whether targeting growth or savings, data is the difference between success and failure​. Fospha are here to offer a solution.

  • Comprehensive Attribution: Our modelling goes beyond traditional analytics platforms, considering both observable (clicks) and non-observable (impressions) consumer interactions. By analyzing the full customer journey and taking outputs from many attribution models, we attribute the appropriate credit to each touchpoint, providing a more comprehensive and accurate picture of marketing effectiveness.

  • Reliable Attribution: Unlike ad platforms that may inflate or misattribute conversions, the Fospha model tallies with sales, adding up to 100% of conversions. This reliability helps our customers make informed decisions based on trustworthy data.

  • Unified View of Marketing: You can access your data in one place, providing a centralised view of marketing performance. Your source of truth is integrated, which enables better analysis, reporting, and decision-making.

  • Visibility Across the Funnel: From upper funnel awareness activities to lower funnel conversion events, the entire customer journey can be tracked. You are able to identify touchpoints that drive engagement and conversions, and optimise your marketing strategies accordingly. This visibility allows for better targeting, messaging, and acquisition.

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