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Exporting Data from Fospha

Detailed guides on how you can export data from across your Fospha dashboards

Isobel Hirst avatar
Written by Isobel Hirst
Updated over a year ago


Exporting Data from Dashboard Tables

On any table across the Fospha dashboards (except for the Platform Reporting table), you are able to download the table data. Simply click on the kebab menu that appears when you hover over the top right corner of the table, and select Download Data:

From the pop-up, you can select the format for your data table - we'd recommend CSV or Excel Spreadsheet for doing manual data manipulations:

Exporting Dashboards to PDF

If you want to share a PDF of a dashboard, for example if you're asked for a view of performance for the past year, you can set the filters required on the dashboard you're using, and then follow the steps below to export it as a PDF which then you can email.

First, go to the kebab menu in the top right corner of the dashboard, and select Download Data:

From the pop-up menu, click Download:

Your download will process in a new tab, and once complete, it will present a PDF copy of your dashboard which you can then save and share as required:

Granular Automated Exports to Email, SFTP, and Google Sheets

The granular data export functionality will enable you to have the most up to data for your reporting needs, delivered directly to your inbox, to an SFTP, or directly to a Google Sheets, so that you can incorporate the raw Fospha data into your already established business processes, allowing you to focus on making informed decisions and take action based on the latest data. The exports provide the ability to show a view of the lowest granularity data across multiple time periods.

What information can I get from the exports?

Our approach with this file is to give you absolutely everything you could need, and then you can decide what you use - so you get all possible data metrics available within your dashboards by period. The report will include metrics across Fospha Attribution (FA), Last Non-Direct Click (LC), and Ad Platform (AP). This can be configured by either daily, weekly, or monthly period:

Example of Data Export

How can I set it up?

To set up your Data Export, please get in touch with us via the chat window and get it configured and scheduled as per your reporting needs.

Please provide the following information to get them scheduled as quickly as possible -

  1. Where would you like to receive this data? - Via email, SFTP, or google sheets

    1. If email, please include the email addresses to receive the report

    2. If SFTP, please confirm the location & connection details

    3. If Google Sheets, we will set up a Folder that we host on our Google Workspace, and share the folder with you to connect

  2. We will set this up to be delivered in the mornings after your data loads have finished

! For the Google Sheets export, we currently support sending a new file for each export, or replace a singular file with new data each day. We will be working in a future release to enhance the way data can be delivered.

How can you use this data?

You can use this data to report based on your combination of requirements such as data segmented by market or campaign type OR daily granularity of the data across metrics.

When setting up your export, the following information can be configurable -

  1. The reporting window for the data - such as yesterday, 30 days, 90 days, custom date range (if there is specific time period you would like to look at)

  2. Date Granularity - if you would like to see the data daily, weekly or monthly so that you are able to make WoW or MoM comparisons of your data

  3. Market - if you are operating in more than one markets and have multi market feature enabled in your fospha dashboards

  4. Channel Group - if you would like to focus on a specific channel such as Paid Social, Display, Email and so on

  5. Source - if you would like to focus on a specific source such as google, bing, pinterest and so on

  6. Campaign Strategy - as per where the audience is in the funnel such as prospecting, retargeting and retention

  7. Campaign Objective - specific outcome you want your audience to take after viewing these ads such as awareness, consideration and conversion

  8. Currency - if you would like to report the data in a specific currency

! Please note that we provide you with calculated fields like CPP, CAC, ROAS, CTR %, and % New Conversions, so that you are able to report on average rates across your activity.

When looking at the data in a more aggregated view, e.g. if you were looking at the total performance of Paid Social (not broken down by source/campaign), you should use the actuals columns across the metrics to work out the calculated fields, to ensure accuracy.

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